Jing An Four Seasons for Rent - Apartment

静安四季苑 出租

CODE: 14800

35,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

West Nanjing Road Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Jing An Four Seasons for Rent - Apartment

静安四季苑 出租

CODE: 24959

33,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

West Nanjing Road Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Good quality deco, Good n...

LaDoll International City for Rent - Apartment

国际丽都城 出租

CODE: 28743

33,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

West Nanjing Road Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

Manhattan Heights(Yi Jing Yuan) for Rent - Apartment

曼克顿豪庭(静安怡景苑) 出租

CODE: 26394

33,800/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

Changping Road Station, Line 7

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Newly r...

8 Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安豪景苑 出租

CODE: 13747

35,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 150 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Newly r...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 20914

33,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Balcony...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 18452

36,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Fancy looking, Spacious, ...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 18418

35,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 150 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Cosy, Bright, Good natura...

One Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安枫景苑 出租

CODE: 28794

32,800/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 146 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Spacious, Bright, Balcony...

8 Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安豪景苑 出租

CODE: 26184

34,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 145 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Cosy, Nice decor,...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 14734

33,800/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 145 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Features: FLOOR HEATING, oven,central air-con, dish washer.

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Cosy, Nice decor,...

8 Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安豪景苑 出租

CODE: 21480

37,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 141 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Fancy looking, P...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 28924

32,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 140 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Unique, Cosy, Sp...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 21482

36,500/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 140 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Luxury, Balcony,...

The Courtyards for Rent - Apartment

东方剑桥 出租

CODE: 18294

33,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 140 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Fancy looking, Spacious, ...

One Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安枫景苑 出租

CODE: 20344

32,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 140 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Fancy looking, Nice decor...

One Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安枫景苑 出租

CODE: 16864

33,500/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 140 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Stylish, Bright, Good nat...

One Park Avenue for Rent - Apartment

静安枫景苑 出租

CODE: 24658

36,000/month, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 135 sqm

Jingan Temple Station, Line 2

Jing An, Downtown

Equipments: Floor heating, Central A/C, Washing mach...

Features: Modern design, Unique, Cosy, Nice decor,...